Course Introduction

Carolina Acute Stroke Training (CAST) was developed by the UNC Department of Neurology stroke faculty and designed by the Educational Design and Innovation team at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. It was funded by the North Carolina Stroke Care Collaborative and a North Carolina AHEC Innovation grant. Click here to read a message from the course creator.
The program includes:
- Module 1: Anatomy and Physiology
- Module 2: Introduction to Strokes
- Module 3: Emergency Management
- Module 4: Acute Ischemic Stroke Treatment
- Module 5: Management of Hemorrhage
- Module 6: Stroke Prevention
- Module 7: Nursing Care of the Stroke Patient
- Module 8: Stroke Rehabilitation
- Module 9: Pediatric Stroke
You can access as many modules as you like, and you can proceed through them in any order, though a linear progression is recommended. Learning hours are available for each completed module.
Learning Hours
Learners for CAST include registered nurses, first responders, allied health professionals, and a wide variety of persons with different backgrounds, education, and experience. Each module ends with a Completion Certificate that indicates learning hours for a wide range of learners. The learning hours include time for reviewing the module, discussing it with colleagues, and reviewing additional resources.
At this time, CAST does not offer accredited continuing education hours.
Module evaluation
Please evaluate the modules when you complete the course (or when you have completed all of the modules that are of interest to you). Your feedback is important in helping improve the content and the learning experience for future health care professionals. When you log in, a CAST Evaluation button will appear in the menu on the left. Use this button to access the evaluation. All feedback is important, so again, please complete the evaluation even if you do not access all the modules.
If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, please contact Renee Potter, Stroke Program Manager at the following email address: Your question(s) will be answered within 48-72 hours.
We are pleased you are participating in the program, and we sincerely hope the learning modules improve your stroke knowledge.
If this is your first time in the course, create a new account to begin.
If you're returning, welcome back! Enter your log-in information to get started.
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